The Spirit of '23

Alli Stradiotto of Team Texas running in Big Bend National Park


We've entered a new year and are anticipating an event soon in Tuba City, but until then, let's check in on the winners of the 3000m Team Run, and find a wrap up of 2022, including our first ever Athlete of the Year at page bottom.

Just Finished: Athletics XIV: 3000m Team Race

Lasting November through December, the 3000m Team Race was another remote event which encouraged runners to rep their home state and send in their times. A throwback to Olympic events a century ago, the state teams (and Belgium) were scored based on the finishing positions of its runners. Al Peterson started off the competition with a blistering, sub 14 minute run, making Minnesota the first team on the board. Wisconsin then joined in the fun, and kept it neck and neck with MN until the end. Vermont, Arizona, and Belgium entered some notable times, but in the final few days of 2022, Team Ohio sent in three of the five fastest times, giving them a sizeable lead. It looked like that was that until the big talking Texans finally delivered with Alli Stradiotto being the last to run, but the quickest to finish... after a sixteen mile hike, no less! Full results are here.

Notable stats: First gold medals: Janos Arnosky and Alli Stradiotto. First event (as an athlete): Alison Nigon-Kirgis (previously judged Karate I). Toppled streak: Al Peterson was previously undefeated in athletic events (but remains so for individual events).

Winner Interview with Team Texas' Alli Stradiotto, Janos Arnosky, and Jimmy Kuhn

Our Olympics: Where ya'll livin' these days?

Alli Stradiotto: San Antonio, for now.

Janos Arnosky: Next to Texas A&M (Bryan)!

Jimmy Kuhn: El Paso, mostly.

OO: What weather conditions did you have for your run?

AS: Overcast and 60 degrees.

JA: In Texas, the best way to describe running conditions is with our term blue norther. Per Wikipedia: A Blue Norther, also known as a Texas Norther, is a fast moving cold front marked by a rapid drop in temperature, strong winds, and dark blue or "black" skies. The cold front originates from the north, hence the "norther", and can send temperatures plummeting by 20 or 30 degrees in merely minutes.)

JK: A cool evening breeze.

OO: Do you run regularly, or are you just that good?

JK: "That good" is a very strong way to put it.

AS: This ain't my first rodeo.

JA: I run two to three times per week. I have to stay in shape because I'm never sure when I'm going to be chased down by a mother cow protecting her calf. Yes, this has actually happened.

OO: Are you training for any races other than with Our Olympics? If so how often, what distance, and where?

AS: No, just the O.O.

JA: Not currently, but now that you mention it, I probably should be.

JK: A ski mountaineering (skimo) race in 2024, but no training yet.

OO: How are the running conditions in the peak of summer in Texas?

JK: Not ideal.

AS: Last July broke the local record for most days in a month with temps over three digits, 28 days, and I don't believe in running on treadmills, which just about says it all.

JA: Bliss. There is nothing like the feel of salty sweat pouring down your face in 110 degrees and 90% humidity in a Houston summer.

OO: What's your distance?

AS: Metaphorically speaking?

JK: As long as I can go before vomiting.

JA: I consistently run 3.2 miles at a time each day I run. At this rate it would take me 250 days to run the 801 miles from Southern Texas to Northern Texas.

OO: What makes you hate running the most?

JK: The pain and the suffering... on second thought, that's why I like it.

AS: My legs?

JA: Dodge Ram 3500 pickup trucks. Why you ask? Because city planners in Texas generally forget about pedestrians when designing sidewalks and forget to install them at all.

OO: What's your favorite painting?

JA: Flying Colors by Alexander Calder

JK: Bold and Brash by Squidward

AS: Anything by Mark Maggiori.

OO: What motivated you to fly right by the Wisconsin Team? Upon surgical analysis of Artski running in his hiking boots, did you realize you could beat Team Wisconsin stat?

JK: It was the memory of the Alamo that gave me the strength and will.

AS: I'm not sure I would call it motivation, but procrastination. Gustave texted me on New Year's Eve, and I didn't want to disappoint him after telling him for the better part of Nov/Dec that I was going to run. That's what Texans call "big hat, no cattle" or all talk, no action. Plus, Jimmy is a great teammate to have when you want to get things done at the last minute - I learned that at the Patagonia Lake Triathlon when he decided to compete the night before. It's almost his modus operandi.

JA: What is Wisconsin?

2022 in Review

2 022 was a year for the record books. We had so much fun out on the trails, the ice, the lake, and even in the conservatory. Here is a rundown of everything noteworthy in Our Olympics '22:

  • Year Summary
    • Athletes: 37
    • Events: 7
    • Sports: 7
  • February
    • Cross-country Skiing I: Individual Classic Sprint
      • New Sport (Current, Winter)
      • Gold medalist: Kelly Richards
    • Biathlon I (Demonstration): 7.5km (5km)
      • We were on course at Biathlon I with an actual Olympian, Leif Nordgren, a week after his return from Beijing
      • Demonstration event, as it lacked the minimum of 4 OO participants
      • New Sport (Current, Winter)
      • Winner: Kelly Richards
  • April
    • Figure Skating II: Ice Dance
      • The all time in-person attendance record was broken (13 athletes!)
      • New Event (Current, Winter)
      • Gold medalists: Leila and Maya
  • June
    • Canoeing/Kayaking III: K-2 500m
      • We braved a storm surge on Lake Champlain
      • New Event (Current, Summer)
      • Gold medalists: Katrina and Gustave Sexauer
  • October
    • Art III: Music
      • New Event (Former, Summer)
      • Gold medalist: Ben Schmidt
  • November
    • Curling I: Teams of 4
      • New Sport (Current, Winter)
      • Gold medalists: Andrew Powers, Emily Power, Mike, Scott, Luna Powers (Manager)
  • December
    • Athletics XIV: 3000m Team Race
      • New Event (Former, Summer)
      • Gold medalists: Alli Stradiotto, Janos Arnosky, Jimmy Kuhn

Athlete of the Year - 2022

Kelly Richards

M aking appearances in five events, Kelly brought a cheerful smile with a competitive edge to each of our gatherings. Acting as host, she opened the doors to biathlon for us. At the cross-country event, she brought her experience, but also shared her equipment with first-timers. In the ice dance, she skated in two separate routines with different partners, after having just ten minutes to plan out both routines. Finally, she wasn't afraid to go it alone for Team Vermont in the 3k. Considering her win in biathlon and cross-country skiing, her record was unmatched this year with two firsts and a second place finish! Good luck to you in all your endeavors in 2023!

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