
Showing posts from December, 2021

Straight from Ping Pong to Big Air!?

  Everyone's a Winner! Olympians,   We'll regale the tale of our wiff waffing as we greet the new year, Our Olympics style! Just Finished - TABLE TENNIS IV: TEAM "W here did all of these people come from?" "What's with the people in the fluorescent vests?" "Did you just get off work?" were all refrains heard in the Miller Center Monday night, when a rag tag group of wannabe ping pong playas infiltrated the normally subdued space of the Champlain Valley Table Tennis Club. After a few stretches and warm up volleys, it was show time for a Team Tennis Tournament with a format that there wasn't time enough to explain (Sorry attendees, the table below helps explain the Olympic format!) With three teams, it was a ripe setting for a classic round-robin. Surely that would sort out the best team! To start, The Unnamed Team's C and Neil drug out a win against the team in the high visibility safety jackets and turquoise-ish pants (Gustave and Luna

Table Pong or Ping Tennis?

  3x3: "We had a ball" Olympians,   The monthly excitement of  Our Olympics  continues! Next Up - TABLE TENNIS IV: TEAM G rab your paddle and head to the Miller Center, 130 Gosse Ct, Burlington for some team ping pong Monday the 20th at 6:30pm  (updated location/time, also $5/person). (Please RSVP to Gustave first.) We'll be using the Olympic team format which calls for teams of three and a best of five games as shown below. Bring your own team, or we'll find you partners! Note that we'll be "dropping in" on the Champlain Valley Table Tennis Club's public hours. Just Finished -  BASKETBALL II: 30N3 N ovember is a time to curl up in a ball and stay warm in your bed, right? Wrong! It's a time for arcing the ball over the competition and through the hoop while breaking a good sweat. This past month, two eager teams, Team B-Day and Team Elbows squared off on the half court for some 3x3 basketball. The teams were well matched, with little to no expe